Miss Golland’s Class Update

Dear parents and carers,
I would just like to say a huge well done to all children for our fantastic class assembly on Friday, I am incredibly proud of all of the work that they put in and how well they all performed on the day! Mrs Dempster was so impressed with our singing that she has begun headhunting for new choir members and Mr Lane from Beaucamp was thrilled with our mini films, I can’t wait to see how this practice helps with our Victorian project films! Thank you to all parents and carers for your help with learning lines and getting costumes together.

I can’t believe how hard the children have been working to answer their Victorian research questions! We have learnt so many new things. Did you know the Victorians liked to eat almond soup? Or that boys wore dresses until they were seven? Or that Isambard Kingdom Brunel narrowly avoided drowning after part of a tunnel he was working in flooded in 1828? We are really hoping you can come and visit our Great Exhibition on Wednesday 30th November, 1.15-2.45pm in the school hall. Please invite other family members and friends who may be interested. It is a great opportunity for the children to showcase all of their hard work.

Children have been working in history teams based on their chosen topics and have all decided on one thing they would like to create or make individually to contribute towards their team’s display. I have spoken to all of the children individually to discuss their ideas and have asked them to share them with you to see if you agree. I am willing to sort out resources and open up the classroom in the lunch hours to help them with any ongoing projects but this will also take the place of all homework for the next two weeks so I would be grateful if they could spend some time on it at home too. Final products need to be brought into school on Monday 28th November.

The children have also been invited to dress up for the day but I have told them that they do not need to buy anything new. They have been shown lots of pictures to give them ideas and I have offered to help with any bits they may need. Please let me know if I can help in any way. The children may want to bring in some costumes for filming next week depending on the focus of their movie.

We have now finished the majority of researching so are moving onto writing scripts for our iMovies which will also been shown at the Great Exhibition. The children will be using a variety of apps such as morpho, green screen, tellagami and I can Animate to bring all of their learning to life. Teams will then be editing and improving their work to make an iMovie using the iMacs. As you can imagine, they are very excited!

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.
Thank-you for your continued support,

Miss Golland

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