Important Information for Friday 30th June

Dear all,

As part of our preparation for our leavers’ service we would like to invite all children to stay after school this Friday (30/06/17) to take part in one of the filmed scenes.

If they would like to take part they will need to bring an appropriate ‘teacher outfit’. Dresses, high heels, wigs and bright lip stick are all appropriate – the more ridiculous the better!

We will need the children until 3:45pm.

Many thanks,

The Year 6 Team

Parent Helper Needed

Unfortunately I am a parent helper short for our sailing trip tomorrow morning.  We are due to leave school at 9am and will be back at school by 12pm. If you are able to help please send me an email at

Thank you in advance,

Miss Golland

Reminder: Les Beaucamps High School Drop In

We would just like to remind you that Chris Le Noury (head of year 7 at Les Beaucamps High School) will be with us from 3pm tomorrow. He will be around to have a chat and to answer any questions that you may have so please come along. If you are planning on coming, please could you call the St. Martin’s school office and let them know so that we can get an idea of numbers.

Thank you,

Year 6 Team

A plea for help!

We are still looking for parent helpers for the Spring Fayre on Thursday (6/4/17). We need parents to help run the cafe, the bring and buy stall and to help sell raffle tickets. If you could help, even for just a short amount of time, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Thank you in advance,

The Year 6 Team

Golden Time 17/2/17

For Golden Time tomorrow there will be the following four activities:

  1. A dance and disco room – any disco lights would be appreciated
  2. Den building and tent making outside – sheets, pegs, tarpaulins, tents; anything welcome!
  3. A snug room – cushions, blankets, fairy lights can be brought in
  4. Capture the flag – games kit needed

Children are welcome to bring in mufti to wear from 1pm tomorrow afternoon.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 6 Team

Miss Golland’s Class Update

Dear parents and carers,
I would just like to say a huge well done to all children for our fantastic class assembly on Friday, I am incredibly proud of all of the work that they put in and how well they all performed on the day! Mrs Dempster was so impressed with our singing that she has begun headhunting for new choir members and Mr Lane from Beaucamp was thrilled with our mini films, I can’t wait to see how this practice helps with our Victorian project films! Thank you to all parents and carers for your help with learning lines and getting costumes together.

I can’t believe how hard the children have been working to answer their Victorian research questions! We have learnt so many new things. Did you know the Victorians liked to eat almond soup? Or that boys wore dresses until they were seven? Or that Isambard Kingdom Brunel narrowly avoided drowning after part of a tunnel he was working in flooded in 1828? We are really hoping you can come and visit our Great Exhibition on Wednesday 30th November, 1.15-2.45pm in the school hall. Please invite other family members and friends who may be interested. It is a great opportunity for the children to showcase all of their hard work.

Children have been working in history teams based on their chosen topics and have all decided on one thing they would like to create or make individually to contribute towards their team’s display. I have spoken to all of the children individually to discuss their ideas and have asked them to share them with you to see if you agree. I am willing to sort out resources and open up the classroom in the lunch hours to help them with any ongoing projects but this will also take the place of all homework for the next two weeks so I would be grateful if they could spend some time on it at home too. Final products need to be brought into school on Monday 28th November.

The children have also been invited to dress up for the day but I have told them that they do not need to buy anything new. They have been shown lots of pictures to give them ideas and I have offered to help with any bits they may need. Please let me know if I can help in any way. The children may want to bring in some costumes for filming next week depending on the focus of their movie.

We have now finished the majority of researching so are moving onto writing scripts for our iMovies which will also been shown at the Great Exhibition. The children will be using a variety of apps such as morpho, green screen, tellagami and I can Animate to bring all of their learning to life. Teams will then be editing and improving their work to make an iMovie using the iMacs. As you can imagine, they are very excited!

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.
Thank-you for your continued support,

Miss Golland

Miss Golland’s Class Assembly

Hello all,

During half term I would like the children to do a little bit of homework to go towards our class assembly.

We have agreed that we would like our class assembly to be on the golden rule ‘Be Kind’ and the children have already really impressed me with the work they have done towards it in class!

Over the half term break I would like the children to create a short video of them explaining something kind that they have done for someone else, or something that someone has done for them. It just needs to be a simple video of them talking, but please try to keep the camera as still as possible! I will then use all of these to create a little film of kindness to play in our assembly.

Please email any videos to me at and do get in touch if you have any questions.

Thank you and have a great half term!

Homework for Miss Golland’s and Mrs Greer’s Classes 16/9/2016


Numeracy homework was sent home yesterday and this week we would like the children to complete some rounding .

The children have a specific sheet from the three below and this is the one we would like them to work from.

They should do a minimum of 20 questions from the sheet and can choose which questions these should be so if they want to choose some from each section or do a whole section that is up to them.

This is to be written into their homework books  and should be handed in by  Tuesday 20th September.

Rounding Whole Numbers

Rounding Decimals and Whole Numbers

Rounding Decimals

Should the children wish to do more then please take a look at Mathletics or the links on last weeks update.

It was lovely to read all about the children’s reading habits last week and it has really helped us to identify popular reading genres. We are in the process of using this information to spend £100 on new books for each class.
For this week’s homework, we are asking the children to write a very special book review. The chosen book has to be their all time favourite ever read. Lots of discussion has already taken place in class and we have shared our favourite books with the classes.

Miss Golland’s class:

Please find Mrs Giles’ example attached below, along with an information sheet about the homework (the children have copies of these tucked inside their reading journals). This homework is due in on Wednesday 21st September.

Book Review Homework

My Favourite All Time Read

Mrs Greer’s Class:

Mrs Greer’s class will be presenting it slightly differently to go in our ‘Book Nook’ and will be bringing home an exemplar along with the paper to write on and guidelines. This homework is due in on Wednesday 21st September.

Book Review Homework for Mrs Greer’s Class

We would also like the children to collect some examples of words which contain silent letters as this is our current spelling focus. Here are some examples we have been working on in class this week:

We will add any additions to our class display.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like any further information.

Miss Golland’s Homework


As I am on the same course as Mrs Greer tomorrow, I will also be handing out literacy homework on Friday so that I can talk it through with the children myself. Literacy homework will therefore not be due until Wednesday next week.

Numeracy homework will be handed out tomorrow (Thursday) as usual and will be due in on Tuesday.